Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hong Kong Day 1

Two Non-Blonde's And A Map

That is the official title for Day 1 in Hong Kong!  You see, Marz and I decided that I would not get a SIM card for my phone and be distracted with any communication while we took off exploring Hong Kong.  I wanted to be able to just be in the moment with Marz as this is probably the last time for a while that we get to do something together.  So to avoid any distractions, no SIM card for me.  (Help!! I can't breath!! Ha Ha, just kidding... Well, I think I am... ;)) 

I also have given myself a Facebook hiatus for the four days we are here.  Let me tell you, that is tough!! But I am determined to not be distracted!  So this leads me to our title for Day 1.  

We walked over six miles yesterday and all we had was Mersades' Christmas present. A trusty Hong Kong guide book and a map.

Believe me, that map was pulled out way more than just these four times!  ;)

We planned for our first stop to be one of Hong Kong's oldest temples.  As we were walking to the temple, we discovered many surprises along the way.  The first being an outdoor morning market.  It was very impressive!  While we were walking through it, I told Marz that I would have thought the smells to have been much worse...  But because it was a FRESH market, the smells weren't bad at all.  

This is where it got impressive... Every type of meat and every body part you can imagine!  Pig's heads, horse's tails, whole animal hearts, esophagus', animal hooves, animal nuts, and penis'.  Yes, I just wrote that out loud! :D

To me, the two most impressive pictures of the day! :D

Cultures are very interesting... What we perceive as gross, others will eat as if everything is normal in their world.  When I see things like this, I just say a little prayer of thanksgiving that I have never been hungry. :) 

The next pit stop was the yellow, blue and orange "houses".  These are apartment complexes that were painted these colors because the government had an excess of paint, so they gave them a nice bright coating.  I guess I didn't get very good pictures of these buildings... ;)

This is where we got a bit distracted from getting to our destination...

What we really needed was a toilet.  So we figured if we went to this cute little pastry shop that they would have a toilet in there... Uh, nope.  But they had really good pastries! :) 

Then we figured since we were over this way, we would go to a Sikh temple.

We also found some Christian churches along the way...

Now backtracking to get to our destination, and since we were in the area, we found the oldest surviving post office building in Hong Kong,  just for grandma. :)

We did eventually find the world's smallest bathroom.

Finally, we reached our original destination... Man Mo Temple.  It's one of Hong Kong's oldest temples.

We wondered for over two hours and spent a whole 10 minutes here!! lol!!

After the Man Mo temple, we took off to Soho (short for South Hollywood, i.e. expensive shopping around a promenade business district) and another temple.

Incense, continually burning...

Marz thinks these are mail boxes for people to send letters to their dead loved ones. I have no idea... ;)

I'm just going to say it here... I really am not a fan of incense.

We walked and we walked... I didn't take pictures of everything we saw or this blog would never get done... ;) So just a few more pics to remember...

Marz found a "German" bakery... College is paying off because she could read the signs. :D

Last but not least... Boys, we found your cars... They will be delivered next year... LOL!

And that pretty much sums up our first day in Hong Kong.  We have been to HKG numerous times, but never out of the airport.  I must say, I am very impressed with this concrete jungle and even more impressed that we didn't get lost without my trusty global communications device!  

I'm ready to go out and explore more today.  Let's see if we can get lost... ;) xo

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