Many people ask what is it that you do all day "over there"?? We really keep ourselves busy, I am telling you!
The last two months have been extremely busy for me because I was the substitute Physical Education teacher for MZS! More and more the government is making it harder and harder for expats to obtain visa's to come work in Papua. So our PE teacher, along with the other new teacher hires, were delayed for the first quarter of school. Thanks to parent volunteers, our kids didn't go without teachers for all of their classes.
I finall put my "almost degree" to work after 20 years! I tell you, these kids could NOT do a push-up to save their lives at the start of the semester!! By the time I was through with them they could all do a proper push-up and then some!
We also had some fun along the way and I got to get back in to what I love the most... Sports and games!
Doing some animal movements with the younger kids.
We had a couple of the security guys come in for four classes to teach a little self defense to the middle school.
Always the first 10 minutes was a "little" exercise... They started to like it towards the end of my tenure. :)

What do you do with all these little 3 & 4 year olds?!?! Not pull out your hair... So we would take a "hike" to Ms. Robin's house. No, not all the time... But on the Fridays when it was a beautiful sunny morning, you betcha!
Normally, the walk from my house to school takes an average of three minutes. We made it to my house and back to school in... Wait for it... Wait for it... 30!! Yes, 30 minutes!! Between the tiny steps and the heads in the clouds, we didn't move very fast. :)
FINALLY, the new PE teacher is in town! I welcomed her with opened arms, like hugs and kisses all over... No, just kidding!! But I am sure I was the most excited for her to get to site!! :)
Now back to my regular scheduled programming! :)
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