Friday, December 29, 2017


The mundane chore of laundry...

I really don't do laundry any more...  I know, lucky me right??!! ;) With all the kids gone to boarding school or college, there really isn't a lot of laundry to do... Well that, and I do have a maid.... ;)  That may be why I don't do it ten months out of the year. ;)

For the last few weeks, I have kind of been in a funk... I mean, I really shouldn't be... It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!! My kids were all coming "home" and now they are here for almost a month!  I should have been ecstatic!  I should have been on cloud nine!

I couldn't really figure it out until the other day when I started to gather up all the kids laundry... Let me tell you, there was A LOT!!  Then it hit me... I really am missing the mundane things of life.  Missing being at my house.  Missing my home.  Missing my friends.  Missing my routine.

We were figuring it out the other day, and I have only been on site for one month out of the last seven, and I'm still not home.  First I was in the US for the summer.  Then back and forth to Penang for multiple reasons.  Then the "forced exile" until mid January.

Look, before I go any further, I just want to say, I am not complaining.  I'm just figuring things out and writing them down for memories. ...and writing feels good sometimes.

We do live a crazy life.  We are good rolling with the changes and obstacles this expat life brings.  The only thing in our life that stays the same is change.

We get a lot of comments about our "exciting, fun-filled" life.  Traveling all over the world, seeing things I never would have imagined.  Meeting some of the most fascinating beautiful people... I can't disagree with them. Our life is out of this world crazy awesome!  But it does get old. Well, the traveling and living out of suitcases gets old... Never the people... Just like everything in life, to much of a good thing really isn't a good thing...

So when I was doing laundry the other day, it felt good.  Actually it felt really great!  I was doing something "normal".  Believe me when I tell you, when the kids were younger, laundry used to be one of the things I disliked with a passion! But as I was doing it, I started to feel better.  I had figured it out.  I was missing my "normal" life...

I know "this too shall pass".  It always does... The women and children will be able to go back to site in January, providing everything stays quiet.  I pray it does!  

So I guess the moral of the story is just to embrace life.  The crazy.  The mundane. Funny how doing laundry had to remind me of that! ;)

I just couldn't pick my favorite one... So you get all four.  :D  I read these daily to remind me...

Soon I will be back in Tembag, itching to go again. ;)

Now for the really interesting part....  This is what I used to wash clothes!  I'm not exactly sure how old the machine is, but I'm guessing it's hitting the 50 year mark, if it can be that old. lol! ;)

It was actually quite interesting... First you had to turn the water on to fill the tub to the needed level, then shut the water off!  I knew I needed to set a timer for this step or I would have gotten busy doing something else and would have completely forgotten to turn off the water!!  I'm good like that. ;)  Once the water is at the lever needed, you set the wash for whatever length of time needed.

Once the washing is done, you need to turn the switch to the drain option.  Once drained, you have to turn it back to the wash option, so all the new water for the rinse cycle doesn't run out.  Then I set my timer and filled the tub up again to rinse.  And because Gabby is STILL allergic to normal laundry detergent I had to do this step twice. :)

When the washing, rinse and drain cycles are done, you need to transfer the clothes to the spin side. Spin for 10 minutes and you clothes come out practically dried!  I'm telling you, if the clothes are unbalanced in here, it moves the whole machine all over the room!! lol!

After this, then you just move the clothes to the drying rack sitting in the sun and shazam!  The clothes are baked dried in minutes!

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