Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kamoro Tribe

Last week men and women from the Kamoro tribe came up to the highlands to show our MZIS students some of their wood carving and weaving skills. The Kamoro tribe lives in the lowlands, I believe on Freeport property. All of the kids got to participate, but I only got pictures of Teddy and Gabrielle's time with the artisans. Mersades made a carving, Teddy and Gabrielle weaved, and Gavin......I really have no idea what he did. (The third child always falls through the cracks!) I guess I will have to ask him in the morning...

Here are just some random pictures of the Kamoro people and the students. The students are in the tennis courts, learning the techniques...
Teddy helping a carver...

Gabrielle and her friend Anna taking turns at carving.
Only in Tembagapura do you get third world people carving first world symbols. This design was thought up by one of our middle school students.
A couple Kamoro women showing the kids how to weave.
This man was carving this design to sell, to raise money for their tribe.
A close up of the weaving...

The kids really enjoyed watching the Kamoro people use their skills. Just another cultural experience to add to the kids growing list.
Until next time...


  1. So fun! I think I would have enjoyed this activity:)

  2. Hi Chelsea. You would have loved this being that you are so creative! Someday when we finally catch up with you, maybe the kids can show you how. :-)
