Well, here we are again.... In this world of fairness, since the Middle school had a dance, by then all means, the Elementary school needs a dance. So this time we are playing beauty shop on Gabriell's hair and putting on her favorite "pretty" dress...... Boys, just go get dressed, and make sure its clean, and make sure there are no holes, and brush your hair....... Oh wait, you have no hair!
So here we are ready to go.
If any are wondering what happened to Teddy's face, he kissed the cement floor while playing some form of basketball with a football! I should have taken a closeup picture. I am surprised he didn't break his nose!

So here we are at the dance. The kids are all getting their instructions and rules. A very good thing since the age ranges are three years to ten years.

Gabby found her buddies, Blaire and Reagan. Two of the four girls of the "S" family. (leaving out last names)

Teddy and his buddies. They weren't afraid to get out and dance..... Give them a few years...

Gabs and Reagan... I think trying to do YMCA... always a favorite.

Mr. Gavin... More horsing around then dancing... Strike a pose, buddy!

Gabby and her favorite boy in all the school, Matt. Yes, Matt is a little old to attend the dance, but unlike the Middle school dance, if you had a younger sibling in Elementary school, you were encouraged to come and help out. So Matt made Gabby's night by being there.

Another of the "S" girls... Ruby. Boy, was she cutting a rug! (Ted's in the background)

Hmmmm, where is Gavin? Playing.... not dancing!

Had to throw this picture in... The dad's.... "Excuse me Gentlemen, what's in the cups you are holding?"


The next four pictures are of my boys, and the "S" girls. I think there may be some competition here! Who's heart will be broken???? Two boys.... but FOUR girls!
Teddy and Reagan.... My Teddy, you so strong!

Teddy and Paige...

Gavin and Blaire.... Blaire is definitely Gavin's favorite!

And last but not least...... Ruby and..... What? Chris??? I thought he was mine? Boo Hoo. I have lost him to a younger lady... :-( I guess it was MY heart....
So I should have said... THREE boys to FOUR girls.... Oh well, at least she is cute! :-)

Actually, here is Daddy and his little girl.... Gabby looks so happy!

Teddy was MIA for this picture.... It was an end to a very fun night! Sheesh Gavin, I wonder where you get your picture taking abilities from?? ....Hmmm, YOUR DAD??!!

We had a very fun night. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home... So, early to bed... YEAH!
Dancing our tails off,
PS I just want everyone to know that this will be my last post until I get my camera back! You see, Mersades took it with her to Australia this last week. Hopefully she will have many picture for me to put on the blog. And looking at the cloudy sky this morning, I am praying that she will be able to get up the mountain this morning. Everyone is so excited to see her!
God's Blessings to you all!
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