Since I have a certain person.....ah Weeeeeezor.......who keeps reminding me I have not updated my blog in such a loooooooong time, I thought I would forget making dinner and post these pictures. So if Chris ties me up and throws me in the closet....hopefully he throws in my book is all on your head, Weeeeeeeezor!!!!
These pictures are of Gabby and her kindergarten class showing their parents what they have learned so far in their math unit with the YPJ (Indonesia) kids.
This first picture is Gabrielle with her teacher Ms. Phyle.

This picture is Gabrielle with some of the other kids. She wasn't paying attention to me. I guess that is good, she was listening to her teacher......

Here Gabrielle is playing a math game with the Superintendent of both the MIZS schools. Mr. Barney (Where is his purple suit???)

And of course her best teacher of all :-) MOM. We had a fun time. It's good to be able to see all these neat things the kids are doing.

So Ms. Weeeeeezor, here is you blog post. I need to go make dinner now. I really don't want to spend the night in the closet!
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