A couple Friday's ago, the kids attended their first school assembly. The assembly is mostly for showing the parents what the kids are learning with their units of inquiry, but is also for handing out awards that the students achieved. Well I am happy to say, that I was stunned when three out of four of the kids received awards! (I was then stunned by the one who didn't get an award!) They had only been at school for two weeks. Good Job kiddos!
Here is Gavin dressed as a doctor. His class is learning about the human body, and they put on a very funny play. Calling Dr. Gavin....

Here is Gabrielle and her classmates singing a song about recycling. (I must say I am glad it is done, because it is one of those songs that is flying through your head at 2 o'clock in the morning!)

Next is Teddy...he and his class gave a presentation on their math unit that they are doing with the YPJ kids. YPJ is where the national kids go to school. Even though there are two schools, one for the international students, and one for the national students, they do a lot of interacting with each other.

And finally, Mersades. She had to read a book report that was based on a book that one of her classmates wrote. Writing books in 5th through 8th grade....how awesome is that!

On to the awards....
Gavin is accepting his award from Principal Williams. It was a Teacher's Award for a "wonderful job settling into a new school and class." Good Job Gavin!................I mean Dr. Gavin!

Teddy also go a Teacher's Award. (I didn't load that picture.) But it was for "showing an understanding of the relationship between reading, thinking, and reflecting upon aboriginal art."
The final picture is of Teddy and Gabrielle accepting their Principal's Award. It is called the "Open Minded Award".
Teddy-"for being open minded about moving here and playing and meeting other cultures like the Papuans during recess. He also respects his friends' ideas and likes to try new things."
Gabrielle-"for being open minded toward trying new activities and making new friends." So congratulations you two! Great Job!

So just in case you are all chomping at the bit to email me and ask me where they got their "open mindedness" from, save the finger strokes...... it was me!!! Ha, Ha, Ha!
God's Blessings, we have been blessed with awesome kiddos!
OH Robin...that is soooo cool! Tell the kids to keep up the good work! I know where they got their "open mindedness" .....from their Grandpa Schlomer!!! tee hee!!!