Another year has come and gone... The Underground Golf Tournament is one of the most anticipated sporting events on site. It has become so popular, that it is now an invitation only tournament.
Last year, Chris was unable to golf in his own divisions tournament, due to just having shoulder surgery, but this year he was all ready to go!
So now the big question.... Do we golf together or split up? Chris is wanting to and is expected to golf with some of the UG suppliers and nationals. I am wanting one more try with my team from last year to see if we can't win the "BIG" money, aka, First Place! Chris and I decide it's better to split up and add another level of competition to the competition... Which one of the Zimmer's teams are going to win?!?!
Now my team, last year, consisted of a father son pair. Frank, the father, works with Chris in the UG. He brings his son, Toby, who is suppose to be this really awesome golfer, in just to play in this tournament. (Actually Toby is an awesome golfer and very fun to watch...) Toby also works in the mining field, so to come to site and see the operation is an added bonus.
A little trip down memory lane.... This is what Frank had to work with last year.... We won 2nd place!!This year... You would have thought Frank was in better hands... This was a pre golf tournament weekend dinner at the Lupe.
Here's the beautiful Ms. Carol who tries to keep those two in line... She's done a good job on Frank, he's a gem... Toby? Well he still needs some work... ;)
Frank and Toby with the "big banana".
Finally Saturday gets here... This is before the tournament starts... We are not enemies yet... May the best team win!!! My money is on me and my team!
The unofficial picture of the first place team.... Well............... One can hope right?!?!
I was going to win this car for my caddie... Or not... Maybe next year...
Chris' team.
My team.

Mr. Pat. He is the guy that puts all this together. This was at the after party.
Well, we still like each other.... And no one has bragging rights!! Why...???
Because my team choked and choked bad!! (HUGE sigh....) We ended up with a -3 par, but with our low handicap, we didn't even get close to the money!! Chris' team also ended with a -3, so once again we tied... No bragging rights for me. No bragging rights for him. Boring...!!! ;)
What we had though, was another great weekend of golf with friends from the jungle. Next year's tournament can't come soon enough!!
I do think I am going to have to find another team next year though to win 1st... ...and then you know what's going to happen... Toby and company will bring home 1st place.... That will be my luck! I think I am just going to have to find all the "hot" guys for my team and watch the scenery go by... ;D
I guess we will find out next year.... :D lol!!
By the way.....
I cannot finish this post without writing about my new little friend, Ducky. Somehow I have been given the nickname of 'Wood duck" by the (ahem) "professional" on our team, Toby. If I didn't tell you before, Toby is Australian and only speaks in Aussie slang... Because of my higher intelligence level, that doesn't comprehend Aussie slang along with its accent, it takes me a while to figure out what the heck Toby is talking about Most. Of. The. Time!! So when he so graciously gave me the nick name of Wood duck, I actually had to ask what the heck that meant. Well supposedly, it means someone who hits their ball in the jungle often.
I'm almost positive Toby and I played on the same team... He on the other hand must have been in outer space because HE was the only one out of the two of us that hit the ball the jungle!!! He is the Wood duck!! Promise, I would never tell a lie!! ;)
Ok. Here's the real story... I won a very cool Titleist duffel bag. I gave it to Toby because he loves Titleist and it was white and I know I am not good with white. He was in Bali on his way back to Australia, found this lovely duck, and bought it for me, because of the story above... I almost wish he would have bought me a troll... ;) lol!!!
Wait!!! One more thing... My mommy always taught me to be nice... Thank you TObee! ;D
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