Saturday, February 14, 2015

Christmas: Part I

Yes, yes. I know it is February and I am just getting my Christmas pictures posted!  My bording school kids remind me alsmost daily that I have not kept up with the blog!  I could offer a thousand valid excuses, but who wants to hear them? ;) 

So I am going to break Christmas up in to 3 or 4 parts. In the three weeks we had with Marz and Ted during their Christmas break, along with my parents, it was non stop!

So to start off the late Christmas series blog post, we will start at the beginning (a very good place to start!) ;)

The Arrival to Tembagapura:

We, Gabby and Me, pick up Grandma, Grandpa, Marz and Ted in the lowlands and got the chopper up!! Yeah!!  That's always a good start!

Yeah we are all together!!  Let the fun begin!!

And so it did... With the first wrestling match between the brothers. I think they missed each other! ;)

And the first card game with the Grandparents!

Then of course all the sleeping... Teenagers and "old farts" alike. :)

There was a ton of other stuff I don't have pictures for... Like the tours of the open pit mine and the mines underground. All the pre Christmas parties we went to... Hot Stone dinner at the Lupe...  More card games... You name it, we were very busy those first few days with everyone in Tembagapura. 

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