Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Not a Computer Genius!

Yup, I am talking about me!  I know it's hard to believe.... ;)  I have people everyday asking me how to do this or that with their phones or whatever electronic device they have!  But really, I don't know much! ....I know how to check Facebook!! Ha Ha Ha!

Now, imagine my surprise when I start messing around with the "new" (I am going to bet they are not "new")  settings on my blog this morning and find all these comments!  Yup, a whole 56 comments out of almost 20,000 views!!  You are probably wondering where I get the 20,000 views when it says on my tracker about 12,000+ views...... Your right, I found that number on the "new" settings! I am guessing that is not a very good percentage... actually it's not even 1%!! .....0.0028% to be exact! ;) (I knew there were a few.... But I actually have that many comments!!!)

So I just wanted to take this time and tell all of you that have commented that I am sorry for not replying to your comments!  They are all very sweet and it is great to hear from all of you!  I really appreciate your taking the time to check out my blog!!

Now since I have been messing around this morning, wasting time on the "new" things, I need to get to work!  Packing!!!!  Only two days left and we chopper of this mountain and head back to the states!!!!! YIPPEE YEAH!!!!

Thanks again,


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