Well, it's birthday season time at the Zimmer's! We kick it off every year with Mersades birthday, which is September 14th.
With quite a few of Mersades friends going off to boarding school in January, this was the last year she could throw a big party with all her friends here. So what's a person to do in this jungle that we live in? We called the Lupa Lelah for help! (That's our local wining and dining restaurant.)
Mersades wanted an 80's themed party, so here's what she got.......
The birthday girl! Sweet hair!

Now when you have a party at the Lupe, they will do any decorations you want them to do. All you need to do is provide them with pictures. Here is what their very talented artist came up with. Just an FYI - The artist hand painted and/or carved the decorations out of styrofoam and then painted the other pictures on wood panels.
I love the boom box! It looks so real!

Here's a couple of more signs. The one that says "Happy Birthday Mersades" is one we took home with us.

My little 80's kids! Yes, that's the boys real hair..... and the girls too. ;) We had crazy hair day at school the next day. So killed two birds with one stone!

The whole family! Yes, that's mine and Chris' real hair also!!! Ha Ha :)

A close-up of the boys hair and the boom box.

Mersades with the decorations.

Mersades and the artist who created all the decorations.

Debbie Gibson showed up and partied with me!!!

Some of the girls who showed up.... I didn't get a picture with all of them, but the girls did a great job dressing for the occasion!

Mersades with the best dressed boys! Of course other than MY boys!

We even had our very own "Activities Director"! Pegged pants and all!

I gave the Lupe some pictures for ideas for the cake. Here's what they came up with... Of course, not as good as mom's....... But cute! And with the language barrier, pretty darn close to what I asked for!

The gang watching Mersades open her gifts.

Mersades with her cake...... Picture kind of got out of order.....

Now my little rebel....... Heaven help me!!!!!

It was a very fun night for Mersades and the kids, and even the adults that showed up! Next year...... A SLEEP OVER!!!
Kicking off another birthday season in high "STYLE",
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