Then another one hit. This time a 7.2! This time it occurred to me that the shaking and the rattling was from an earthquake!
Now before you all get worried, The center of the earthquake happened about 600 km (372 miles) from here. Look at the map below... The star is the center of the earthquake, and because I am getting so handy with a computer, I drew approximately where we live on the map.

I just wanted you to know, everything is fine here. You know, it's funny, most of the time when an earthquake hits in this part of the world, like 1,000's of miles away, I get many emails asking if everything is ok...... Well this earthquake, close to home, was even reported on FOX news, and guess what, no emails!!! :( Maybe my next post should be a geography lesson on where we live..... ;) Ha Ha, just kidding! I know you all love us!
Hope you have a wonderful "Earth Shaking" day!