Well, we all here in South Daa-ko-tah have a Palace! Now it's not your usual palace... one with kings and queens living there.... decked out with gold and silver and precious stones.... No, this one is embillished with South Daa-ko-tah riches! ....
Grains.... Corn, Wheat, Sunflowers, Barley... Yes sir! We got it all! We don't need no stinking jewels to make our palace shine.... All we need is some honest to goodness crops, staples, and hot glue! .......Ok, maybe not the hot glue. ;)
So here's what they do. Every year the college football team's, in Mitchell South Daa-ko-tah, summer job is to tear down all the old grains from the previous year and put up the grains in the new years design. .....Hmmm, I thought I would remember more of what they do from the tour I took 25 years ago with my mom and two brothers....... I guess not.... I guess you will just have to Google South Daa-ko-tah Corn Palace! (and if any of you misspell it, well then I guess you don't deserve to find out more information on the place!) Oh, BTW (that's "by the way" for those of you in Glenham!) If it was 25 years ago, no wonder I can't remember anything from the tour..... I was like FOUR months old! ;) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ok, sorry! I must not be getting enough sleep!!
Carrying on.....
It is truly a work of art. Here are the pictures to show how much detail goes into the planning.

Not sure why there are two of the same pictures on here... Like I said, probably not enough sleep!

The front of the Palace with the kids.

Ok, I seriously must be have been sleeping when I uploaded these pictures!! Another set of the same pictures!

Here is the side of the building. You can barely see the guys working.

Here is where they get the grains ready to put up on the building.

I guess I wanted a picture of the guy's face.... :( Sleeping.....

Here is a closer picture of guys standing on a platform looking like they are working. :) You can better see some of the different grains.

More workers...

Inside the Corn Palace are many pictures of previous year's Palace designs. Here is one of those designs... This was when they did the whole palace.... Way back in the day!

These are some of the grain designs inside the palace. (Sorry, but the pictures are a bit blurry.) These I believe were all done in corn.

And yes, every Palace has a mascot.... or not....

It was fun to go revisit some of the places I went to when I was younger. I do believe though, I have the skills of a tour guide, that my father had when I was a kid. "Look kids.... there's the White House...." Never did get out of the car to see the White House. Maybe I need some counseling on that. :)
Mine was more like.... Hurry up kids..... look around...... take a picture..... let's go.....!! I guess, at least I let the kids walk around! :)
So here you have it.... One of the riches of South Daa-ko-tah!
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