Because I am going to turn the blog into a book when we are all done living in the jungle... so I can remember what we did... I need to document some of the everyday activities of the kids. So bear with me.... I will get to our trip to Australia.... eventually!
On the last day of school, before the kids spring break, MZIS held their version of field day. They split all the school kids up in to four teams to compete against each other....and can you believe it, they actually had a WINNER at the end of field day! The boys ended up being on the same team and the girls were on different teams. So I had three teams to cheer for throughout the day.
Here is the crowd listening to instructions for the day.

I was helping out with the discus throw.....that's why I have the next three pictures.... I took these pictures without even getting hit! One eye on the discus the other on the camera!

I also got a picture of Mersades "trying" to do the discus, but I like this one of "long legs" better. She is really turning out to be quite the athlete.... Who would have thought? She must have gotten those genes from her MOTHER!!!!

Here we are, almost all together. Gabrielle was playing a game with her classmates, but we went ahead and took the picture without her.

So this one is included, because I felt bad she wasn't included in the last picture.... She is getting so big....My baby!!!

Posting pictures, so I can remember in 50 years,
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