People here say when your sea container comes with your things from home, it's just like having Christmas. Well in the picture below, we got our first DHL package, from aunt Brandei, and that was just as good as Christmas. We were all so excited! It's funny how a box of Cheerios and a bag of red Twizzlers can make one kid so happy! Being here makes our whole family more appreciative of the little things in a box of Cheerios!

These next two pictures are of our "mall". I use the term loosely, very loosely!!! We definitely are not uncomfortable here, and you can get pretty much what you need to survive, but we do have a few extras also. Here you can see the Hero Department Store, one bank, and to the left of the picture is a "hobby"shop. If you are a sewer, the hobby shop has a decent variety of material for you. The department store I call my little Wal-Mart. If you need a household item, you may get lucky and find it there. Although, they do not carry a hammer and nails....

On the opposite side of "wal-mart", is the Hero Grocery store. You can't tell by the picture, but there is a coffee shop and bank to the left, and a pharmacy, which doesn't carry prescription meds, to the right. The pharmacy is where you go to get your toothpaste, shampoo's, and soaps. Things like that. The coffee shop does have ice cream! Which is what Mersades is eating in this picture while the boy's are getting their hair cut.

Now between the pharmacy and the hobby shop, is a full service salon. For only Rp. 88.000 ($8.80 USD aprox.) both the boys got their hair cut! If you notice Gavin has lost a lot of hair. He decided it is too warm here to keep his hair longer. Plus for mom, it doesn't attract the 'bugs' as easily. YUCK!

Speaking of bugs, on the way to get hair cuts, I found my first stick bug, or some may call it a tree bug. Very neat! I had to look a few times to make sure it was what I was really seeing.

So here it is, just another day in our life in Tembagapura. Different, but still the same. Sometimes you feel like you are living in the stone age, but then you go to the shops, and you remember you are living in modern time. I am very thankful for all we have, and
even all we don't have!Appreciating everything,
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