On Sunday my baby brother was married...finally!! We all hopped on a plane and flew to Florida for the wedding. We left Glenham, SD and it was -5 degrees. We arrived in Florida and the temperature was a wonderful 70 degrees. Then it got cold. But all in all we had a wonderful time! The bride and groom, two beautiful people inside and out, got married and we had a blast!

The wedding party with the parents.

Well, this isn't the picture I wanted, but don't know how to get it off here. I have a way better one of the five of us (Chris is in Indonesia), but that will have to wait for another time.

Mom and Dad and their offspring and my Grandma . We were missing my sister and her husband's four boys. Someday maybe we will get a picture of all of us...Ryan's wedding?????? One can only hope....

The five of us. It has been a very long time since we have all been together. I love times like these!!

Yes, I was recruited to make the cake. I have never mixed up icing out of a casserole dish, but I guess there is a first time for everything! Other than all the obstacles I had to go through, it was an honor and a privilege to do this for Q1 and Rock.

Other than the groom, the two best looking boys at the party!

Daddy's Girls....My sister Brandei and me.

Grandma and all her granddaughters.

Yummy G and the beautiful couple.
The weather is warming up here, but a snow storm warning is waiting for us back in South Dakota. There will be more pictures from our time in Florida to come, but for now I will just say God's Blessings to the Bride and Groom. I wish you well. Enjoy each other.
Happy Marriage,
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