I have been trying to get a summer post don for many weeks, but there is always something going on!
So here it is in a nut shell...
We arrived in he US June 7. Twodays before that my brother and his wife welcomed baby Hestin to the world.

The same day baby Hestin was born, I got to pick up my two babies from the airport. I hadn't seen them for two months! I am shrinking!!
Ahhhh.... Landed in Bismarck and the first thing we do is Dairy Queen!!
We now have two legal drivers!! Yes, they both can now drive without parents in the car!! Eeks!!!
Made a trip out to Mt. Rushmore.
Five years ago...
Finally made it to Arizona!! Chris flew in from Indo so we could all be together and go to a professional baseball game. 1st one ever for the kids! Sooooo much FUN!!
Chris' birthday! The first time we celebrated together in 5 years! He has always been in Indo...
Another baby!! This is my other brother's baby whom they adopted in April! Now read his shirt!!! The Dr's said it was unlikely for the mom to get pregnant... But guess what, God is GOOD and God is FAITHFUL!
The babies will be about 10 months apart!! Ha ha! I laugh!! :)
Our Aussie friends visited... Well, Danella's Engligh...
And what do we do??? Go Shopping! In Glenham!
Such a long story, but the guy we took a picture with is supposedly an Actor. He was hiding out. I guess it worked, because no one had any idea who he is... And probably still doesn't. I don't. ;)
Gavin and his friend Zedd went fishing.
Zedd went planting with my brother.
Kate and my nieces wrestled with my dad.
Q and R chose us to be baby Hestin's Godparents. :)
Trying to tent with a major storm coming! Crazy boys!
One last reenactment...
5 1/2 years ago
Present... Now Q and R are shrinking! ;)
A picture to reenact in 5 years... We added a few nieces and nephews! Even a Great one. :)
One last wrestling match... And I have to go buy underwear.
So that's it in a very small nutshell! When you live overseas, you leave so many things to catch up on in the months that you are home. It is just a really busy time! But we are so thankful that we are allowed the time to get home and reconnect with family and friends!
Now, it's time for a vacation! ;)