These are all the etickets and hotel print outs. Not all are shown... Some sheets are still hidden behind others...
I zoomed in on the right side of the above photo. This was my "chart" of who needed to do what. Below will be a quick run down.
Heliops x 5
C,R,T,G,G - TIM-DPS (2 one way tickets, 3 return)
Hotel Bali - 2 rooms x 2 nights, 1 room x 1night
R,M,T,G,G - Fly to US
Hotel US
R,M,T,G,G - fly to SD
C - Fly back to work
C - fly to US
Hotel US
R,M,T,G,G - meet C in DEN to Fly to TX
All fly back to SD
All fly to DPS
Hotel Bali
C,G,G - fly to TIM
R,M,T - fly to Malaysia (M return tickes, T one way ticket, R return ticket, but different dates than M's ticket.)
Hotel Malaysia
Heliops - C,G,G
Hotel Bali
R - fly to TIM
Heliops - R
And I should be home... But wait, G and G need orthodontist appointments! I think I will deal with that later! ;)