July 31, 2010
Well, let's back up one day to July 30. This is where the story begins.
Friday morning Gabrielle wakes up with a tummy ache. No big deal right? She just woke up, probably has to go to the potty. So she goes, and her tummy still hurts. Still, no big deal. I just figured she may have eaten something yucky, or she is getting the flu, or whatever. We have been around a lot of people this summer, she probably picked up something from someone. I just thought to myself, IF she is getting sick, I hope all the others get it and get done with it fast because we have to catch a plane back to Indonesia in SIX days.
So Gabby sits around all morning. All over her tummy hurts. But no fever, no throwing up.... YET, anyway!
Two o'clock p.m. comes around, and the vomiting begins. What great timing! My parents are having a party at the lodge for a cousins 25th wedding anniversary. So Gabs lays around the whole time.... puking every half hour. But thankfully no fever.... YET! Eighteen pukes later, it's 2:00 am, Saturday morning!
We finally get some sleep. Four and a half hours later we wake up because some cousins, who were staying with us, left to head home. So I go ask Gabrielle how she is feeling..... really hoping she is doing better... no throwing up for four hours! The worse is over right?? Nope! Gabrielle says her tummy still hurts. Oh Great! So I go and touch her head... A bit HOT! Really Great!! I am thinking at this point... She must have the flu. Super Great! Chances are one of the kids will be puking on the plane, have a fever going through security, and we will get stuck in quarantine because security will think they have the PIG flu!!!
So I start my day.... Its going to be a long one! But I go to my trusty ole computer to write a blog post for my fans.... ;) While I am sitting there, I start thinking about a time when we thought Teddy had appendicitis and the doctor told us that if we ever thought one of the kids had it, make them jump up and down. He said if they have the flu or gas, it will be uncomfortable, but they will be able to do it. With appendicitis, they will NOT.
I go out to where Gabrielle is sitting and tell her to stand up and jump up and down. Well she stands up and instantly grabs her right side! She now can pinpoint the pain. OH GREAT! She now has a fever, and can tell me exactly where it hurts!
I am still not convinced that it is her appendix, so I tell her I am going to go take a shower, and I will talk to Grandma when she gets back from her walk. Then we will decide if we should head to the hospital. Mom and Dad both agree that I should take her in. (BTW (That's "By The Way" for those of you in Glenham.) Dad called it, Gabby having appendicitis, the night before!)
Now remember it's Saturday morning. Going to see the doctor is now an emergency room visit... A few years ago, I had been here with Teddy, and they sent us home because he had a very bad case of GAS!! ...So I am not looking forward to this at all!!
We get to the hospital and see the doctor. They take Gabrielle's blood, and she is crying a lot!! Thankfully the surgeon was already at the hospital. Both he and the doctor, after doing the exam, instantly think appendix! Her white blood count is elevated. The surgeon tells me that he thinks the appendix has already ruptured! They will do surgery right away. Gabrielle is now scared to death because she is hearing the "surgery" word thrown around!
We are now transfered to a hospital room where the nurse starts an IV. The anaesthesiologist finally comes in and gives Gabs a bit of "feel good" medicine. She finally starts to relax! Now she is all hooked up and off to the operating room.
One thing nice about small town hospitals, and knowing a lot of the people working there, is you get to do things they would never let you do in a big city hospital! The surgeon and nurses let me ride on the bed with Gabrielle, back to the OR. I then stayed in the room with Gabs while they were putting her out. ....After that experience I know I would never have made it as a nurse, surgeon, doctor, or anyone connected with a hospital! That room gave me the willies!!!
So almost one hour after we got to the hospital, Gabrielle is in surgery. One hour after that, we are told she is out of surgery and is doing fine! Thank Goodness!!!
Here is Gabby with uncle Quintin and Q-2, Friday, when she was first sick.

The surgeon came out and told me all was OK with Gabby. I had asked if I could see the appendix. So he brought it to me! Normally this type of thing grosses me out, but I must admit, I was a bit fascinated! I was HUGE! The doctor called it "hot". Which meant it was close to bursting.....

Here is Gabby a few hours after surgery. She was really doped up here.

And a few days later, she was looking and feeling great!

So we are really thankful this happened when and where it did! Can you imagine, if it was a week later, and we were flying across the ocean, on a 747, loaded with people, what a nightmare that would have been to convince someone that this child was really sick.... (After all, it took me a full 24 hours to be convinced!) ....And finding an island in the middle of the pacific ocean to land the plane on....... All I will really say is...
Thank God for watching out for all of us!