Our internet here is really slooooooow. I think I will have to be up at 3 in the morning, when no one is online, just to post photos. So I thought I would post some thoughts on our first week and a half in Indonesia.
1) You get fried in Bali even when the sun isn't out! I think I forgot that one because I was soooo happy to be warm without 5 layers of clothes on. I am still pealing :-(
2) There really is time travel! If you don't believe me, come here for a visit. We are living 30 years back in time.
3) We aren't starving...well at least not that bad :-) Our choices in meat are chicken, chicken, and more chicken, with a little beef thrown in. You can almost forget fresh veggies and fruit. By the time they reach our grocery store, most are browned and mushy. Thank goodness for Sunday brunch at the Lupe (our restaurant). That is where we will stock up on the veggies and fruit for the week. I am not sure why they have such a greater and fresher selection than the store, but I guess I will have time to figure that one out.
4) If you want something done.... make sure you have days to wait at home. We are having the squat pot changed out to a western toilet in the maids bathroom. It will take five or more days. Why? Because you have the plumbing crew, the carpenters, the tile guys, the painters, and whom ever else that they see fit to work on the job. You don't get just one or two guys to do the work, it takes a whole village! Just wanting to let every one know that I am not
complaining, just
explaining how things work. I am really very excited that this is getting done, because neighbors of ours had to wait SIX months to get theirs changed! So really I am very thankful!!! There has been a number of day's when more than three little Zimmer's have had to use the toilet at the same time!!!
5) I go to the grocery store EVERY day! First reason - I can only walk, not drive here. So I only have so many hands to carry everything. Second reason - You never know what may show up on the shelves that day. Like peanut butter... haven't seen that since our first or second day here. Third - It's one of the ways you socialize... Yep, never thought I would say that. Back in Wyoming, Chris would always ask me if I had fun after a day of grocery shopping. I would look at him and roll my eyes...
6) You take the umbrellas with you every time you step foot outside the house... even if it is sunny! We get something like 300 inches of rain here a year. Sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon. I think for about the first five days we got drenched coming home from the grocery store... then we learned...yep dad, it only took five!
7) And finally, you learn patients! Everything is so laid back here and things are done in what they call Indonesia time...whenever they feel like it... which is why I am still waiting for the carpenters to show up today (local time 11:11 am). Looking at the positive side, I am stuck at home and can write all this for my "fans" :-) AKA all my friends and family :-)
I guess I better go do some laundry. Some day a maid will show up... Then I can really live the Ibu life style!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
God's Blessings,